Santander Cash Nexus

Portal Log in

App Mobile

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App Mobile

The new Santander Cash Nexus app for iOS and Android allows you to view your daily position anywhere and anytime. This is a quick and easy-to-use application which displays your consolidated balance in the currency selected on the homepage, intraday information and your payment authorisation. With your Santander Cash Nexus Portal credentials, you can access any of your account balances, including a breakdown of subtotal amounts by country, currency and account. You can also use the Portal tool to keep up-to-date with alerts and notifications.

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Why Santander Cash Nexus?

Santander Cash Nexus means transparency, efficacy and personalisation. This Cash Management solution optimises your company's cost savings, return and cash flows in addition to offering you complete control over your business worldwide and maximising your earnings.

Banco Santander is the best option for long-term associations, and guaranteed commitment.